Black Girl In Om
Black Girl In Om
Lauren Ash
#71 Doing Everything With Love with Caprice Dominique
44 minutes Posted May 18, 2021 at 5:00 am.
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Natural hair care stylist Caprice Dominique (she/her/they)joins BGIO founder Lauren Ash (she/her) in conversation around naming and claiming our desires. Caprice has been blessing Lauren’s life and hair for several years with her healing hands and personal touch of love and compassion. She’s all about empowering Black women to own our unique hair journeys. She encourages us to love our hair and ourselves holistically, and affirms that self care is about so much more than the products we use on our hair or on our bodies. It’s also about our patterns of self-talk and our healing practices. Lauren and Caprice share how they keep their ancestors present, and how this active connection helps them to feel rooted in unconditional worthiness and a sense of belonging within the collective consciousness. As both women affirm, we deserve to have the things we want. Press play to listen in on a heartfelt conversation between friends about trusting ourselves to claim our blessings unapologetically. 


  • Lauren’s and Caprice's hair journeys
  • How Caprice takes care of herself during what can be at times a strenuous labor-intensive experience of giving care
  • The importance of self care for wellness practitioners and caregivers
  • Trusting ancestral guidance
  • A prayer Lauren speaks every day
  • The Sow The Seeds retreat experience that changed both Lauren and Caprices lives - Shoutout to Danielle Lyles Barton and Karlene Graham Perry for leading this beautiful offering
  • Caprice’s self love rituals
  • Trigger Protection Mantra, the song that Lauren’s friend Ananda sent her in a synchronistic moment

Keep up with Caprice and schedule an appointment with her on Instagram @CapriceDominique

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